Our Major Activities

  • we always work in pairs during our 4 hour shifts
  • we travel in vehicles and also walk during nice weather
  • you drive your own vehicle on patrol with SACP/RCMP signage after first notifying our local RCMP Detachment and the RCMP Kelowna Dispatch Centre
  • your vehicle must be properly insured and in good mechanical condition
  • you are reimbursed for using your vehicle while on patrol
  • patrol hours are flexible, you and your partner decide which day and time you would like to do your patrol

Speed Watch

We set up portable radar equipment with electronic signage near  schools, playground zones, and high volume areas to give motorists instant speed notification.

Speed Watch is a proactive program - we do NOT issue tickets.

Stolen Auto Recovery (SAR)

We download stolen-vehicle information from the Canadian Police Information Centre [CPIC] and use tablets to check for stolen licence plates and vehicles. 

SAR is a proactive program - we do NOT issue tickets and CANNOT upload vehicle information.

Lock Out Auto Crime (LOAC)

We patrol malls and other parking lots reminding shoppers to hide their valuables from plain view.

LOAC is a proactive program - we do NOT issue tickets but DO leave notices on windshields.

Disability Parking

For the benefit of those in need, disability parking spots are monitored to ensure that certified Permit Signage is displayed.

This is a proactive program - we do NOT issue tickets, but DO leave notices on windshields. 

Community Activities

In the calendar year we normally assist with 'The Coldest Night of the Year', the Jackson Secondary School 'Dry Grad' event, Canada Day celebrations, help to park cars during the Haney House "Spooktacular" and assist pedestrians at the Downtown Merchants' Hallowe'en "Treat Trail," operate the radar speed board for friendly competition at the Friendship Day "Soap Box Derby," assist with both the "Fall Fair" and "Winter Fest" and assist the Salvation Army with the annual "CP Holiday Train" food bank event.


Monthly Meetings and Activities

We have numerous couples in the group.  Some like to patrol together but many prefer to go out with other partners every once in a while.  It's interesting to get to know other members as well.

Our monthly meetings include updates of important events, a short "teaching moment," and an opportunity to share amusing Patrol anecdotes. Now that Covid restrictions have eased, we do not have "Zoom" meetings.

We believe that socializing is important for group morale and host one social event per year in addition to attending community events.

SACP members at the 2022 summer BBQ

SACP members at the annual Shaw Centre "Plan B" Volunteer Appreciation Dinner