Salmon Arm Citizens Patrol

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British Columbia Crime Prevention Association

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British Columbia Crime Prevention Association

BC Citizens Patrol Network Society

“To Improve Community Safety by Training Volunteers who Partner with Police to Accurately Observe and Report Suspicious / Criminal Activity”

The BC Citizens Patrol Network Society (BCCPN) functioning under the umbrella of the BC Crime Prevention Association (BCCPA) is looking to offer training and resources in support for all British Columbia communities, urban and rural.

If your program or region would like to conduct a project or training session let us know the details, we will work with you to see how we can support your initiative.

We aim to facilitate the processes that enable volunteers and police officers across the province to continue to work together in the interests of community safety and well-being.
Police Departments across British Columbia acknowledge and support the Citizen Patrol Network and the hundreds of volunteers who work in tireless support of their local police and communities.

The BC Citizen Patrol Network represents a significant step towards organizing individual Citizen Patrol groups into an effective provincial organization.
The benefits are obvious: improved communication and networking among volunteers and coordinators, opportunity for Provincial recognition of local efforts, promotion of best practice for local or regional consideration, volunteer training opportunities and increased consistency across the Province.

The BC Citizen Patrol Network is not intended to detract from the autonomy of local groups. It will not interfere in the established right and ability of the local detachment commander / police chief to manage and direct Citizen Patrol operations.

BC Citizens Patrol Network Society is a community-driven crime prevention initiative, governed by the BC Crime Prevention Association. The network supports provincial trained volunteers with a mandate to detect disruptive, suspicious, and criminal behaviour.

Other places to get help

Blockwatch Society of British Columbia
An organization designed to set up ‘watch programs’ within your neighbourhood.
Phone: 1-888-602-3358

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Helps seniors gain access to safe, affordable housing and offers advice on mortgage insurance and rates.
Phone: 604-731-5733

Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of British Columbia
A free and confidential 24-hour distress line providing immediate, non-judgemental support and community resources.  Offers training workshops, seminars and volunteer training around the topics of stress management and suicide prevention to community programs and community partners.
Phone:  604-872-3311 / Toll-Free  1-800-SUICIDE

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD Canada)
A charitable, grassroots organization that is committed to stopping impaired driving and supporting the victims of this violent crime.
Phone: 905-829-8805  or Toll Free: 1-800-665-6233

Police Victim Services of British Columbia (PVSBC)
A non-profit association dedicated to serving the needs of police victim services programs. As the largest police victim services association in Canada, PVSBC provides leadership, support, advocacy and training to professionals working in the field of victim services
Phone: 604-501-2502  /
Toll-Free: 1-877-869-0720
Web http:

VictimLink BC
VictimLink BC is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone service available across BC and Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence.
Phone: 1-800-563-0808 (BC and Yukon)

WorkSafe BC

Phone: 604 231-8888 /
1 888 967-5377

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