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Is Your Family Prepared For A Disaster

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Is Your Family Prepared For A Disaster

Planning for Floods

What you should do:

Floods can happen anywhere and at any time of the year. The best way to protect yourself and your family in case of a flood is to follow these three steps:

  • Know your risks: Find out if you live in an area where floods could potentially happen.

  • Make a plan: Work with your family to make a plan so that when a flood happens, you are ready.

  • Get a kit: You can buy a preparedness kit from the Red Cross, or make your own.

  • Listen to local news and weather reports for any potential flood warnings in your area.

  • When a flood warning is issued, listen to local authorities for further directions.

  • Check on vulnerable family members, friends and neighbours (the elderly, ill, disabled) who may require special assistance.


  • If you are at home:

  • Turn off power and gas lines, if necessary;

  • Place your valuables on the upper floor of your house;

  • Remain on the upper floor and wait for instructions from your local authorities.

If you are away from home:

  • Stay away from swollen streams and rivers, since moving waters can sweep you away, even if you are in a car;

  • to elevated areas;

  • Remain in an area where you are visible and safe.

If you are in your car:

  • Be careful when driving – puddles can be deeper than you think;

  • Go to an elevated area and park your car there;

  • Turn off the engine, get out of your vehicle and wait.


  • Continue to take precautions and listen to and follow directions from local authorities.

  • Only return home when officials have declared it safe to do so.

  • Before entering your home, look outside for any damage: loose power lines, damaged gas lines, foundation cracks etc.

  • Parts of your home may be damaged – approach entrances carefully.

  • Stay away from any fallen power lines.

  • Discard any food items which may have been in contact with flood waters. When in doubt, throw it out!

  • Do not use water that may be contaminated for washing, cleaning, drinking or food preparation.

  • Wear protective clothing - such as rubber boots and gloves – during cleanup.

  • If you smell natural or propane gas or hear a hissing noise, leave your home immediately and call 9-1-1.

  • You can also consult our Guide to Flood Recovery.

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